
Thursday, 26 April 2012

Evaluation Question 6 - What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Camera - Cannon hv40
We used this camera to record our title sequence. We also used it to put our film onto the computer so we could edit it together using Adobe Premiere Pro.

Editing Software - Adobe Premiere Pro 
We used this to edit our title sequence. We added effects and sounds to it and cut the shots we wanted to use so it was the right length in total.

I have used blogger to record all of the research and progress I have made throughout this project.

Other Websites
Some other websites I used during this project were YouTube, IMDb and zmovie. This is because when I wanted to look for a title sequence to analyse or a film to compare my title sequence to, these were the websites that I decided to use to get them. I also used a website called SlideShare, this enabled me to put the presentation for the film pitch onto my blog.

  Other Applications

Some other applications I used in this project were Microsoft Word and Microsoft Powerpont. I used these to create my script and the pitch for the title sequence.

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