
Friday, 27 April 2012

Evaluation Question 7 - Looking back at your preliminary task, what do you feel you have leart in the progression from it to your final product?

This is how we didn't manage to do the 180 degree rule correctly

This is how we improved our use of the 180 degree rule.
In the preliminary task we had a few problems, these included not being able to do the 180 degree rule properly and some of our shots were shaky. We tried to use this rule properly in our title sequence at the beginning, this was done by making sure when the girl was walking past the guy looked like he was in the same place

Some improvements we have made whilst making the final product was using the tripod properly - we did this by having a stedier hand, we also didn't use dialouge - this was because it added tension but it also solved the problem of not being able to create a talking sequence using the 180 degree rule correctly. Some skills I have gained and improved upon during the course of this project are...learning how to edit properly and using a camera tripod in the correct way. I have also learned to write a script.

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